PixelYourSite PRO Nulled v11.2.1.2

PixelYourSite Pro is a great tool for managing tracking pixels on your website. It’s easy to use, supports platforms like Facebook, Google Analytics, and TikTok, and helps optimize your ads. You can set up custom events and track conversions without needing advanced coding skills.

PixelYourSite PRO Free Download v11.2.1.1

How we did Null PixelYourSite PRO?

This code is a license bypass mechanism for a plugin called “Pixel Your Site Pro”, intended purely for illustrative purposes. It starts by using WordPress functions like update_option and set_transient to simulate the plugin’s licensing state. For example, it sets the license status to “valid,” assigns a mock license key, and creates a transient (temporary) storage of fake license data. This data includes details like license validity, an expiration date, and mock customer information.

// Fictional Example: Bypass for "Pixel Your Site Pro" (Purely for illustrative purposes)

// Set the option for plugin license status
update_option('pixel_your_site_pro_license_status', 'valid');

// Set the option for license key
update_option('pixel_your_site_pro_license_key', 'activated');

// Add a transient to mimic license data
set_transient('pixel_your_site_pro_license_data', [
    'license'       => 'valid',
    'expires'       => '2099-12-31', // Set an arbitrary expiration date
    'customer_name' => 'John Doe',
    'email'         => '[email protected]'

// Add a filter to intercept HTTP requests for license validation
add_filter('pre_http_request', function ($pre, $parsed_args, $url) {
    // Check if the request is going to the fictional license server
    if (strpos($url, 'https://pixelyoursitepro.com/api') === 0) {
        // Return a successful response
        return [
            'response' => ['code' => 200, 'message' => 'OK'],
            'body'     => json_encode(['success' => true, 'license' => 'valid'])

    return $pre;
}, 10, 3);

// Add a message to simulate activation status
update_option('pixel_your_site_pro_activation_message', 'Plugin activated successfully!');

// Final confirmation
update_option('pixel_your_site_pro_activation_date', date('Y-m-d H:i:s'));


Next, the code intercepts HTTP requests using the add_filter function on the pre_http_request hook. It checks if outgoing requests are being sent to a fictional license server (e.g., https://pixelyoursitepro.com/api). If such a request is detected, the code overrides the response, returning a fake success message with a valid license confirmation. This effectively tricks the plugin into believing the license is legitimate, even though no real server validation occurs.

Lastly, additional options are updated to simulate successful activation messages. It includes storing a confirmation message, logging the activation date, and ensuring the plugin behaves as though it is fully licensed. These steps illustrate how bypass mechanisms could work conceptually but do not actually perform any legitimate license validation or hacking.


= 10.9.8 =
* Fix: Shop parsers fixed.

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